30th Reunion

1970 Home
30th Reunion
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Class News
In Memoriam
Special Recognition
Our Fathers' Stories

Homecoming 2000
November 2-5

Click here to view pictures of the reunion.

Thanks to the Reunion Committee
What a great reunion! Thanks to the members of the reunion committee: Coty Cuttino, Wally West, Bubba Kennedy, Joe Williams, David Lattimer, Scott Tucker, Kevin Campbell, Bob Reed, Tom Doyle, Mike Schwartz, and Stan Townsend. (See reunion comments from our classmates below.)

Request for pictures
Please send me digital copies (jpeg format) of your favorite pictures from the reunion, and I will post them on our web site. Also, please try to provide a brief caption to be used for each picture. If you don't have digital copies, you can take negatives to a camera store and have them converted to digital format.

Request for money
Did you enjoy the Courvoisie Barracks? The Class of 1970 set the standard for Homecoming “tents.” The Courvoisie Barracks was a project taken on by the reunion committee, and those costs were not included in the cost of the weekend package. Therefore, the costs associated with the barracks ($3,000) are extra, and unless additional funds are collected, the remainder will be made up by the committee. Many of our classmates have already contributed as a result of Coty's appeal at the ball. If you would like to contribute, your fair share is approximately $25.00. Of course not everyone will be able to contribute, so you are certainly encouraged to send more. Send your check to the following address:

Class of 1970 Reunion
The Citadel
171 Moultrie Street
Charleston, SC 29409

Reunion comments from our classmates
Below are a few of the comments (slightly edited) that I received related to the reunion.

  • Ditto John Moore’s kudos to the reunion committee. A splendid job.
    – Lee Sayler
  • Please pass along to the 70 reunion committee what a great job they did! Nothing short of outstanding. It was great to see all the ole classmates and trade life stories. They were a handsome group, don’t you think? I think it shows by the participation in the reunion just how much The Citadel means to each one of us that attended.
    – Heyward Sutherland
  • I and my nine attending pals from H Company (you all remember that good-looking crowd of 5'7" guys) fully agree. We had a ball, the best reunion thus far. We are shooting for 75% of the H Co seniors to attend 2005. Again, a classy job, Committee!
    – Ted Bell
  • John, please pass on a “well done” and thanks to all who assisted with our 30th Reunion. A very special gathering of friends – doesn’t get any better.
    – Ken Bowra
  • Can we do it again before 2005? Thanks again.
    – Deborah Nye (Louie Nye’s wife)
  • Let me just add my two cents. The reunion was great! Why can’t we have one every year? A partial answer may be that, “I don’t think my body could take it.”
    – Don Blackmon
  • I used to look at those “old guys” and thought I did not want to be like them. Well, I tell you we are not like them. I don’t think anyone can keep up with the Class of ’70.
    – Bill Sudyk