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The Citadel Class of 1970
1970 Home Reunions Class News Memories In Memoriam Special Recognition Our Fathers' Stories Charleston Feedback |
Please help improve the quality and content of this site. Take a look at several other class sites, use your imagination, and then email your suggestions and news items to me at peppsm@hotmail.com. I am especially interested in feedback on the following items:
Also, don’t forget to register your email address so that others can contact you directly. Request for Help: I was unable to get electronic copies of obituaries for the In Memoriam page, so I have started manual entry of anything that I could find among old copies of Alumni News. I am missing most of the older issues. If you can locate any relevant information, please type it up and send it to me via email. Don’t worry if you don't know how to use HTML; I will reformat any items that you send me for the Internet. Also, if you know of any relevant online articles, please send me the link for those as well. Thanks for your support. |