Citadel P-T Barracks

The Citadel Class of 1970
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The Class of 70 Monthly HAPPY HOUR

The Class of 70 is hosting a monthly Happy Hour to give our brothers another opportunity to get together in a casual social setting. We will meeting on the First Tuesday of the Month at T- Bones- West Ashley... meeting time is 4 PM to 6:30 PM.


The Citadel needs $25,000 to establish an athletic scholarship. As of 5 August 2015, we have raised $ 15,000. You can help this alumni-wide effort to honor our classmate. Make your check out to The Citadel Brigadier Foundation. PLEASE ensure you put the Rhett Wolfe ('70) Memorial Tennis Scholarship on the MEMO LINE of your check. Send it to The Rhett Wolfe ('70) Memorial Tennis Scholarship, c/o The Citadel Brigadier Foundation, 171 Moultrie St., Charleston, SC 2949. Thank you.

The Class of '70 Friday Lunch Bunch- Meeting Every Third Friday of the Month

Several members of our class have started regular meetings on the third Friday of each month to have lunch, tell lies, and renew old friendships. All classmates are invited to attend. If you are visiting Charleston (or moving to the area) during the time for any of these meetings, please feel free to come. Just send an email to Glen Avinger at glenmav AT and he will give you the current location. Old meeting minutes, which are no longer kept, can be found at Charleston Tricounty Lunch Bunch (click on Lunch Bunch).

Give to The Citadel and Brigadier Foundations

First, I would like to thank all of you for your continuing generosity. The checks we presented to The Citadel at our 40th Reunion were truly impressive but we have many hard years ahead. As you've been hearing, state funding to The Citadel and all state schools, is being drastically reduced. We can all help our alma mater by giving to The Citadel and Brigadier Foundations through the Class of 1970's Annual Fund Drive which combines the two efforts into one. When you receive the mailer, you may choose a Designated Gift or allow the staff to place your donation where it is needed the most at that time. No gift is too small. The Citadel Foundation funds Academic Schlorships, Student Learning Opportunities, Faculty Scholarships, Faculty Recruitment and Retention, The Academic Environment, and Special Opportunities for Academic Enrichment. The Brigadier Foundation provides scholarship assistance for approximately 225 cadet-student-athletes because there are NO state funds available. These funds enable The Citadel to compete in the challenging market for great athletes. Please keep an eye out for updates on The Citadel's Strategic Initiative Plan, which was first published in 2002. That will give you a good idea what your money is needed for and of the changing priorities. Thank you once again for your continuing support. Mike Rogers- Class of 70 Rep to The Citadel Foundation